Thursday, April 3, 2014

Snickers Social Media Strategy

This one is easy.

Snickers has their "You're Not You When You're Angry" motto, but they don't convert this slogan to the real world.

The most obvious cast of figures who get (understandably) emotional are sports figures.

More specifically, coaches.

But really, anyone who has an emotional outburst on a televised event has room for Snickers' social media promotion strategy. Here's how it goes:

1. Set up some type of catchy hashtag catchphrase that resonates well with social media users. This way, your eyes and ears will be your social media users which eliminates a major hurdle in finding good "You're Not You When You're Hungry" content. These users will also tweet in real time, which gives you the ability to take full advantage of the opportunity.
2. Sit back and wait until users find good content. The idea is to ultimately be associated with any and all televised outbursts, and people immediately recognize the situation as a "Snickers moment".*
3. Think of some way in which this can be translated into sales. Going off the basketball coach examples, imagine having the crowd being "prepared" with a Snickers in hand, and if a coach has an outburst, the floor gets flooded with Snickers bars.

*Being associated with a "negative moment" is not a bad thing. I'd rather form a connection with say Twitter users, who generally enjoy outburst moments. 

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