Sunday, January 19, 2014

Why McDonald's Should Fund Jamaica's Bobsled Team

The Jamaican bobsled team just qualified but needs $80,000 in funds to even go to the Sochi Games in a couple weeks. What brand better than McDonald's to make this dream come true? If my beautifully photoshopped picture above doesn't already convince you in itself, let me explain why McD's is a perfect match for Jamaica's problem.

The cost is only ~$80,000 which is peanuts from McDonalds perspective. At a very minimum, it provides great publicity for the brand and sheds them in a good light with all who hear the story. They will most certainly be praised from the Jamaican community which provides a good opportunity to connect again with this market? It could provide a perfect segue into expanding into the Jamaican market again, just saying. The publicity alone should be enough to convince you; and imagine if the Jamaican team were to actually do well in the event or even win! I think any brand would be elated with being part of such a story, even a corporate behemoth like McDonalds.

In our ever expanding Social Age, plenty of news outlets have gotten wind of this story and you can guarantee the costs will be covered by someone, but who will step up and take advantage of this enormous opportunity sitting in front of us?

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