Suit retailers such as Jos A Bank have a profound upside going into the future. Not only can their product translate well in The Digital Age, but the market will only keep growing when men as a whole start dressing nicer because:
- Shopping for said product will be easier, and
- The value of dressing nicer will be more and more prevalent in our social media world.
Both of these combinations point towards a good future for those who can capitalize on digital by providing personalized experiences and hopefully gaining customers for life.
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I want to try on my outfits/suits virtually because I want to see what I look like in them. Such an experience enables me to see how I look in certain outfits instead of the current model where one searches for outfits by seeing how they look on models or outfits as a standalone. This sets up the possibility of virtually trying on millions of combinations of outfits.
The Entire Experience
I really want this product to put an emphasis on lifestyle. This isn't limited to dressing nicely. Correct haircut/hairstyle is important (as well as other face products), as is putting an emphasis on getting and staying in shape. Consider these elements outside of the actual outfit itself and there are opportunities to capitalize beyond the core products.
It starts with the B&M store. Most important, the customer will get a digital scan that is saved and uploaded to the Jos A Bank app. My picture will be used to virtually try on all types of combinations of outfits. An individual will also go in to get (at the very least) necessary measurements which will be saved in that customers digital profile so that when they order product, they won't ever be bothered to input measurements and the like. Going into stores also helps because the professionals that work in the B&M stores can give their advice on what styles may or may not work based on the customers physical appearance. They can even input this advice onto the customers profile. B&M locations will have less emphasis on product and more emphasis on services, such as taking measurements, providing advice/input, setting up customer profiles, etc.
Once the boring stuff is taken care of at the B&M stores, the real fun starts.
Most importantly, I will be able to mix and match a combination of any outfit I want; my digital picture will be center stage for all of Jos A Bank's products. These products include:
- Ties
- Dress Shirts
- Sport Coats
- Pants
- Socks
- Shoes
- etc.
I can virtually look at any style, color, and combination of product of my choosing. I can zoom in to see the minute details of a product, see a 360 degree view of the outfit, and/or have different "poses" that highlight/emphasize different parts of a product (i.e. sitting down and crossing legs show off more of a sock).
As opposed to current shopping for a product in which a model is wearing an outfit, seeing myself in my choice of outfit connects more with me from an emotional standpoint. If I can't see how I look in a certain outfit, how can I truly judge whether or not I like the outfit?
Users will be encouraged to upload their picture once they receive and try on their new outfits. Other users will be able to see and make comments on said outfit, i.e. the outfit is too big. It will be a productive feature of the app that ultimately encourages discussion and leads to long term satisfaction of outfits.
This also allows people who are unsure of what types of outfits they want to choose can look from a library of other users and possibly buy the same outfits (and maybe if someone buys your exact outfit, you are rewarded in some way?)
Other Products
As I said, we are encouraging a lifestyle, not just a product. Hair and facial products are an important consideration when thinking about more than the outfit, and I see no reason why these shouldn't be included.
Promotions/Rewards To Think About
A points system can and should be implemented. Points can be used down the road to purchase smaller or larger purchases. Points are acquired if:
- An item is bought (the larger the purchase, the more points you receive)
- Someone buys your outfit
- "Weighted" points (see below)
- More?
Weight Loss
It is not debatable that an individual who is in better shape looks better in an outfit. Thus, overweight/out of shape individuals will be encouraged to get into better shape. They will have incentive to do this because they will be rewarded in doing so.
Overweight individuals, say a 300 lb man, will get free trade-ins if they lose weight and their outfits are too big (or they are discounted). But maybe not as I can see that being costly. Or, for every percentage of body weight they lose, they will get that amount in discount on all future purchases. The 300 lb man who gets down to 200 lbs will receive a 33% discount on purchases. Alternatively, they will receive "weighted" points. The 300 lb man who gets down to 200 lbs receives 1.33 points for every normal point they would have received if they had not lost weight. All the details can be hammered out later, but encouraging users to lose weight and look better in outfits will build loyal customers and a great sense of community.
If overweight persons are potentially rewarded, there also needs to be some type of rewards system for those who aren't overweight to make it fair.
Color Schemes
There are countless color schemes one can do with a suit. Maybe a discount can be implemented if one buys "matching" parts of an outfit such as a yellow tie with yellow socks.
Other color schemes that can be implemented are school/team colors. Since I am a Chicago Bears fan, and I like the orange/blue color scheme, the app should have a "Chicago Bears" section that gives all possible combinations of Bears colors.
There is a lot of creativity that can be implemented with color schemes, so I am only scratching the surface and trying to give you and idea of a few possibilities.
Current Jos A Bank discounts are incredibly sporadic and confusing. Discounts are also a big part of the Jos A Bank brand so this is an important feature of the app. The biggest thing to think about is providing personalized discounts, which will lead to more business.
Buying Competitors Product on Jos A Bank App
Maybe someone is strolling down a sidewalk one day and sees someone wearing a great dress shirt, but finds out it is from a competing brand. Jos A Bank can implement some type of system where if someone encounters this problem, they can still buy a similar product on Jos A Bank's app. Something to think about.
There are a TON of things to think about when choosing an outfit (and even the other products such as hair & facial products), and users need to be educated. Educative tools should be provided; everything from the basics & vocabulary of wearing a suit, to the more advanced and minute details of outfit attire.
Mobile Strategy
Tablets are the optimal platform to use this product. Ones digital rendering will be large enough that they will have no problem seeing how they look when exploring outfits. In addition, a lot more features can fit onto a page, adding to the value proposition of the user experience. This product can also be used on smartphones, but there is a lot less real estate which will have to be considered.
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This is all about customer retention. We want Jos A Bank to be a lifestyle brand that extends beyond the actual products and emphasizes bettering oneself. There has never been a better time to have a serious digital strategy that not only puts you miles ahead of the competition, but gains a loyal following. The use of digital allows for personalized promotions, rewards for being loyal, and most importantly, the ability to provide a simple yet considerably rewarding experience that will make users wanting to come back for more.